Financial statement review

A financial statement review is a process under which our accountants obtain assurance that a company’s financial statement is prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards (GAAP). Audited financial statements must be performed by an experienced auditor who can also detect possible errors in the presentation of business documents.

According to the GAAP reviewed financial statements should contain the following information:

  1. Balance Sheet
  2. Income Statement
  3. Cash flow statement
  4. Among others.

Agroup has experienced auditors and accountants who can help you with submitting proper financial statements. Please contact our main office for more information.

Financial statement review

A financial statement review is a process under which our accountants obtain assurance that a company’s financial statement is prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards (GAAP). Audited financial statements must be performed by an experienced auditor who can also detect possible errors in the presentation of business documents.

According to the GAAP reviewed financial statements should contain the following information:

  1. Balance Sheet
  2. Income Statement
  3. Cash flow statement
  4. Among others.

Agroup has experienced auditors and accountants who can help you with submitting proper financial statements. Please contact our main office for more information.

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